And here I am…

The waves are roaring to meet the shore,
The winds are blowing hard to reach the unknown,
Even the sun is setting in the horizon,
And here I am, standing on the beach, forlorn…

The scribblings on the sand have been washed away,
Making us remind that nothing lasts forever,
Time is moving ahead straight without even a side sway,
And here I am, wavering as usual, with past n future…

With streaks of tears flowing down the cheeks,
Memories fill in this stupid mind without invites,
Across the window, rain is drizzling out,
And the times, oil was poured in the fire in the heart,

Now, the woods have been cut, torn apart, and set to fire,
But no one near to withstand the blaze, beside the pyre.
All are cowards; why to blame them,
Even I was not strong when I wanted to leave them,

The destinations have been changed and the road is new,
Deep within, voices are crying out to the friends few,
Life is calling me to give myself the strength to move on,
And here I am, stand-still, with no seed of life to look upon…

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  1. nice poem! very touchy! 🙂
    and we all have been there.. (in that situation).. its hard but we (as does life) move on 🙂

  2. “The scribblings on the sand have been washed away,
    Making us remind that nothing lasts forever”…. I could be wrong, but there seems to be a touch of sadness in your lines, not just this one, I have felt it while reading your poems.

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