The Let it go attitude
Like all other moms, I have always been tormented with mommy guilt. Feeling of not being “good enough” mom. Slowly I realised it’s nothing to do with gender or ...
Like all other moms, I have always been tormented with mommy guilt. Feeling of not being “good enough” mom. Slowly I realised it’s nothing to do with gender or ...
Parenting is hard. Teenagers are hard. Everything is hard. What they don’t say is everything becomes easy with communication. Be it with children or teenagers o...
At times, my daughter and I play this game of making stories with few key words. It’s interesting to see the thought process of young ones. For example, yesterd...
Few days ago, when I left my young one at her grandparents’ house for the vacation, I was perplexed at the mixed emotions. On one hand there was the freed...
Writing is the one area I wanted to concentrate this year, as part of my January plan. I did apply for content writing and article freelancing, but the prompts,...
My greatest stress buster these days is Facebook. Maybe I like to observe people online. Sitting on a park bench in a virtual world, observing people around, ho...