On blogs, Lalbagh and rooting android phone

The past weekend, we went to the Lalbagh flower show. It was an annual routine when I came initially to Bangalore, which stopped after the second year. Over the years, the increased interest in gardening, and the addition of the DSLR, and the hope that N would walk more, rather than aching my back, made it easy to make the decision. Though we have bought some seeds and plants, I wonder how much would be the success rate of their transplantation.

Rooting Motorola Defy+

These days, I was busy with rooting my android phone. The plan started owing to the  #100happydays  project which needed an easy way to take pictures. My phone camera (Motorola Defy+) had a problem owing to which I was not using its camera, from long time. I was waiting for the warranty to get expired so that I can start doing my experiments on it. Though it was not guaranteed that the camera problem will get solved after flashing a new ROM, thats the only method being suggested in the forums and by friends. For rooting I followed this guide, and then wanted to install the latest version of CM10(CyanogenMod ROM), but I ended up getting errors. Then with help of Sreejith, got to know about SlimKat, but I did try CM10 once again, since it was so popular. I did not like the interface and the menu, and moreover, installation of Google apps broke it down. So finished off with SlimKat, though the interface looked similar, it looked more refined, and the integration of Gapps went smoothly. The camera is still giving problems, but have installed Camera360  which seems to have workaround to revise the direction. The real test will start when the lag and battery drain would reappear.

On blogging:

This blogathon has opened to me many personal blogs, in which most blog posts are not planned or scheduled. The advantages of such posts are that they are true ramblings or scribblings coming straight from the heart of the writer. Most of my blog posts also originated from some of those thoughts. Though it started off as on online diary, the blog has covered many topics, but remained faithful to the original category of being a personal blog. At times I do think about the future of this blog, and whether I can take it forward to a particular niche where I excel, but I have not received any inputs from fellow bloggers to make the vision clear.

The entire thing of rooting phone took majority of my time that I could not think of blogging at all. These days N has been pestering me to pick her up all time, and I have got a little backache maybe as the result. Though I feel, the sitting posture while devoting my time at the laptop seems to be the more appropriate reason for the same. Meanwhile, the feedly reader is bursting with blogposts of many other blogathon participants. Some people have suggested bloglovin but for me, I need a reader, wherein I could see entire posts in the reader, rather than visiting their blog page. I wished there was a reader so that we could also post comments too in the same window. There are times, when I could not comment in many of them even if I liked their posts because of this. The WordPress.com has a “Like” feature in their posts, similar to that of the Facebook, which is more convenient to let the authors know that I have visited and read them, but sorry that I could not comment and hence notifying you that I liked this post. Maya did a humorous post in which she also explained her inablility to comment more on the blogs. I feel almost the same.

Being Wednesday, I have already started scratching my head over the writing prompt from Write Tribe. Have you?

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  1. I like the idea of #100Happydays. And I do hope the phone thing gets better! I started blogging in 2007 or 2006 maybe! And it was totally personal… which converted in to book review blog and now into a personal cum kiddo – blog and I have no idea what it will morph into later on 🙂 and I really do not care about it much, because I LOVE change and my blog reflects that 🙂 thats me totally 🙂

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