Honest Scrap Indeed!!!

October indeed is my birth month. No wonder good things are happening more often. The latest is an another award for this blog from S3 aka Sreeram. Thanks a lot for gifting me, my ‘second’ blog award.

Unlike last award, this one is more formal. It has some rules and regulations. ! 😐

The rules are:

“When accepting this auspicious award, you must write a post bragging about it, including the name of the misguided soul who thinks you deserve such acclaim, and link back to the said person so everyone knows she/he is real. Choose a minimum of seven (7) blogs that you find brilliant in content or design. Or improvise by including bloggers who have no idea who you are because you don’t have seven friends. Show the seven random victims’ names and links and leave a harassing comment informing them that they were prized with Honest Weblog. Well, there’s no prize, but they can keep the nifty icon.List at least ten (10) honest things about yourself. Then pass it on!”

Ten things??! There is already an all-time pending tag from Arch-fully asking about 6 eccentric habits of mine! And now, I am supposed to write 10 things about me? And that too honest!!! That’s a heavy blow. 🙁

If ever given a choice, I would always love to answer objective questions, and that too multiple choice rather than providing an answer of  100 words or more. Anyways, let me try!!

1. There was a short stint of time, when I tried my hand at shorthand and typewriting. I loved the new languages, new form of writing. Typewriting was just an accompaniment. I have even tried to make a new language, rather the alphabets, which finally resembled Chinese, maybe..!!

2. There is a framed version of completed Anchor Stitch Craft-work used as a wall-hanging at my present house in Bangalore. I never thought I could create such a finished product. Though we did learn knitting and such sort things at school, I have forgotten it completely. But I guess, the skill still interests me. And hence, when I found this easy Stitch Kit, I never could resist it. After this work, I did buy two more kits, but neither of them are even half-way through.

3. I hate politics. I meant both the original politics field, and also its notorious form. I really never read the newspaper in detail. I admit honestly, that I have never even tried to read the editorial part! My newspaper reading time is just 5-8mins maximum. News channels on television or online or radio gets changed immediately after the headlines. I just cannot bare them more than that. Its not that I do not care about the country and government and all that, its just that its not of interest to me.

4. I do like to make friends, but there are hidden filters in me which sieve out and categorizes the people I meet. Some conversations bring people more close to me, and that too instantly. And then there are some, who I cannot get along with at any cost. People say I am very friendly but I feel I am very shy and introvert in real. Maybe I am not what they see in me.

5. Did I say I am very very sensitive? There are many qualities in me which I hate like hell, and I keep repenting why  I could never change. I never call up friends to ask “whats up”. But its me who keeps complaining, that I do not have any friends and no one calls me!
There are times when I expect much much more from new friends, and ending up doing ‘crazy things’ with much high expectations which actually worsens the relations.
And then there are activities or words from friends, which hurts me, rather I allow myself to take it seriously, to which I shout back or get upset or be silent. And then I would have been doing the same to them without realizing it. By the time I ponder the situation later and realize my folly, nothing could be changed.

6. I get moody very easily.. Now I guess you don’t need me to explain that! You want something better?? Mmmm…Err.. “6” has been my roll number in school in some classes.. 😐

7. Sometimes I feel I am like a frog. Neither in water, neither on land. My wish list, goals if any, dreams etc keeps changing. In the past year, I am not sure, what all I tried. I thought I should learn some new languages, or attend professional course, or would dream of a career in photography, or in writing, or in singing, or web-designing blah blah..! And then, I give up. Yeah, in short, I give up very easily.

8. I preach a lot. There are people who say those are my stupid ideals and principles, and some who say nice too. Whatever it be, I do keep blurting out philosophical nonsense in between, which may or may not be followed ideally by me. Lot many who know me could vouch for or support me if I took up a career as lawyer!!

9. I am afraid of many things. Cockroaches, snakes, dogs, cats, elephants, wild animals, forests, heights, ocean, darkness, ghosts – anything in nature. That would be the apt word. Nature. Though its beautiful, there are some mystery in them which makes me fear the unknown.

10. Did you know that I had tried studying for dancing too when I was small. Along with singing classes, initially, I had joined for dance classes too. The teacher had asked me on one occasion, while practicing steps, to bend some more. He also made fun of me in front of the class. And that was it. I never went to dancing after that!!
This reminds me of another honest-walkout but 10 things are already listed for now!!! 😀

Now comes the time for tagging others. I am gonna select few who I feel blogs honestly, though I won’t call them scraps. 😛

1. Chandni – A blogger whose blog I have been reading for more than a year now, but do not know personally yet. I told you, I am friendly but strange!

2. Deep – The cute and handsome entrepreneur, who also is my domain name provider, and who also is married to another blogger friend of mine, Megha, and who also makes me laugh with his honest review of some movies!!! 😛

Following are twitter friends. These days, twitter not only allows to make friends but also enables to find good blogs too.

3. Kuttyedathi – My new keralite and “Americaa” friend, who blogs in Malayalam. More than honest thoughts, I find her style of writing very very natural with tons and tons of humor.

4. Anand Nataraj – again another twitter friend who blogs over a variety of topics, in a very simple way.

5. Hari Shanker – I do not had to have second thoughts when presenting the ‘honest scrap’ award to this twitter friend who can post honest posts like this!

6. Nikhil’s Musings – I guess I need not say more about him. “Recently in the news” and popularly known in twitterati, for his high opinions and thoughts about Kerala, though I found some simple, easy-read posts on normal living too!!

7. B-factor – Though the post frequency is very less in his blog, the topics and the points he makes through them are hard-hitting and impresses you within seconds.

Yippee I am done!! 😀 Honestly, this post helped me think about the 10 honest things about me! Guess I need to self-introspect more! 😛

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  1. Thanks for accepting AKB!! 😀
    I know its a tough deal to accept a formal award! 😉 but then looking back, its nostalgic as well as completely retrospective! 🙂

  2. Congratulations on the award! Nice reading some honest facts about you…some of them apply to me also (shorthand and Anchor quick stitch) 🙂

  3. Congrats on the award. It’s good that you have the courage to say what you feel within yourself. Fear is a four letter word only and you dont have to fear anything – just face it. Trust me nothing will happen. If you want to change things around you – change things which you dont like – change yourself. Life will be very comfortable after that. Friends are few and far between, but if you do have a couple of them – trust them. Only a true friend will tell you on your face that you are not correct on a particular issue.

    God bless you in your future endeavours in life.

    Ravi Matah

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