Film Review – The Notebook

Being the love season, I had shortlisted few movies from this list to watch. The last seen movie  was “The Notebook”.

The film had started off with a superfast speed, with love at first sight and all that. I hate those kinda movies flatly, but then I realized it was necessary for the story, as the characters were supposed to be in the teenage years where such things may do happen. I had read about the plot long ago while downloading the movie, and had even thought that it had a Bollywood touch! 😛 You know, the rich girl, poor boy kinda stories. But then, it was much more.

Sometimes we do feel happy more on a holiday and that too on a country road, maybe just because, we are ourselves that time. Someone who brings out the real you. And hence we do feel the love, and we are forced to discard it as a silly summer romance. The dialogues about the status differences, clearly indicates the parallel real stories happening in the world even now. There would have been a similar Noah and Allie somewhere out there in the midst of the town and we would never know. The best part was the hospital, and the talk between the weak old man and the old lady patient suffering from Dementia, which was the climax.

But the passion in which Noah hanged on, in his early years, turned me off at some times. The practical touch was lost at times. I mean, we could never find a Devdas kinda real hero in the current world; who keeps on thinking of lost love forever. Nowadays people mostly just move on. I agree, maybe this is just a film, but it has touched many points which do happen in real life. Many a times, we are left wondered and confused of the decisions we need to make. Just as the quote in the movie Fanaa, its more difficult, to choose between two right choices.  But then, it was like offering yet another right choice, to someone who may have already been right about their life.  I wonder what if the ending had not been like that. Would it have been better or worse?

I would rate the film a 7.5 out of 10. Maybe it was the best for some people, but not for me.

Would you stop thinking about what everyone wants? Stop thinking about what I want, what he wants, what your parents want. What do YOU want? What do you WANT?

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  1. Pingback: Film Review - The Notebook | Archana | Max Cocking for Celebrity News and Rumours
  2. May I know from which decent site, at a decent speed , you download these movies.?

    btw.. I too saw notebook.. .. not catchy for me ….chalta hai movie..:)

  3. I was Surfing for something completely different, but got your page Film Review – The NotebookArchana | Archana and found it Interesting.Nice Post on the notebook movie…Thanks.

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