Book Review – Done with Men

I have always loved reading printed books. The ebooks and Kindle never tempted me enough. But Indians grab everything if it is for free! So when Writetribe gave away the book, “Done with men” by Shuchi Singh Kalra for free on 12th February, I pounced on the chance.
Done with men by Shuchi Singh Kalra

Travel journo, Kairavi Krishna (Kay) has had it with men. After a series of disasters (losers, philanderers, leeches, mama’s boys and possessive psychos), she is all too tempted to walk out on the prospect of ever finding love. Accompanied by her best friend and flat-mate Baani, she sets off for Goa, hoping to get away from her miserable love life and vowing to stay clear of the male species.

Goa however, has a host of surprises in store for her. Ricky, her pesky ex-boyfriend, is busy painting the town red with his hot new girlfriend. Now what is poor Kay to do, other than overdose on vodka, smoke pot, get an outrageous tattoo and fall off the hotel balcony? She wakes up in the hospital to the tender ministrations of Dr.Vivian D’Mello–young, suave and handsome as hell. Will Kay stick to her guns or will she fall for his ridiculously sexy charms? And what’s up with the mixed signals he’s giving out?

A quick-read of the chicklit genre. The preview or the book blurb had pretty much covered the main part of the book, leaving very little for the readers to count on. I really hoped to find some twist or the other but the story was pretty much straight forward. Though the love theme is set between characters in twenties and thirties, at times, it more sounded like story of young bubbly teenage girls and more of a Cinderella story created in fantasy.

The language was good nevertheless, and was very easy-flowing. I finished it quite fast, which shows the ability of the writer to keep you on the edges. The expressions and the character sketch are conveyed beautifully. The concept of Thought Bubble is quite real and interesting, compared to the usual way of interpreting inner voices. But the precise writing by the author do sounds promising of an upcoming writer, considering this is her first novel.

I would rate it at 3 out of 5.

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  1. Archana – just wanted to drop you a message to thank you for the review. Young publishers like Indireads depend on the support of reviewers and bloggers like you to get the word about our books out to prospective readers. Your support is appreciated.

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