Yay! 100$ finally on my Google Adsense!

This was the day I yearned for months. I am so happy that I can’t express my happiness out to all and thank each one of you who made this possible.

Now I am excited to wait for the day, when my cheque arrives at my door step. I have already started dreaming about it! 😀

To those who are surprised and feel jealous, just move on.You too can achieve it easily! I swear. To those who are happy for me, regarding this, I would like to reveal that, the above picture was a fake image created by Google Adsense Fake Generator. And the above paragraphs are the written version of my dreams I wonder whether I will ever achieve! 🙂 And why not, if Satyam could inflate about their earnings in real, is it wrong to do in my dreams? 😉

Source | Google Adsense Fake Generator

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  1. Totally forgot. This is the first time I visited your site since you got the new domain and it looks real nice. Have been reading through greader most of the time. Congrats on everything and wish this year brings in more 🙂

  2. He he…you really had me there. For one moment, I considered the possibility that people can actually earn something through adsense!
    My earning is stuck at 2.65 $ for last one year 😀

  3. Congratulations!

    it’s been almost a year form and I’m still far from that century mark 🙁

    still, I’m happy for you. congrats!

    a blogger friend told me, once you receive your first $100, the succeeding ones won’t be as hard anymore.

  4. Mine is on 83.41 dollars after installing adsense last October. This month could be the one. I just hope its true what they say “Once you receive your first $100, the succeeding ones won’t be as hard as getting your first check”

    Good luck to everyone on your blogging for money!

    1. @Constantine wow… one year?! hope you reach the mark very soon!!! it would be your new year gift!! 😀

      @Roy: thanks, everyone is in the anticipation of the first 100$ when they start new. dont worry.. all are in the same boat! 🙂

      @Sanket: there are people who earn through adsense, but I guess you need to work very hard for that… 😉

      @rakesh: hehe… great… hope you get it soon… 😀

      @Ananth: thanks ya… 🙂

      @Deepak: yup.. thanks… please do keep visiting the site more often… 😉

      @Arun Shivram: yup even I almost believed it.. but alas.. 😉

      @Arun Basil Lal: lolol… click the links in twitter often 😛

      @Amit, Ashwin: thanks ya.. great to know there are people who feel happy for me 😀 thanks again.. hope I can achieve it sooner or later.!

  5. Hi Archana,
    $100 mark is the first target of every blogger. I have reached $16 and a half in four months. So at this rate I might a couple of years to achieve the target and it is not easy. One has to think of a topic or an incident, prepare draft, chop and curn it, and punch lines and make it engrossing/unputdomnable for the reader. I will be easier for a genius like you-not for me.
    God bless.

    1. even I have not reached the target, sir! i realized in the 2-3 years i have enabled adsense, that to gain clicks, simple life incidents are not enough.. i am not that genius to churn out bucks!

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