Writing to heal

I can shake off everything as I write; my sorrows disappear, my courage is reborn.
? Anne Frank

I started having a journal, inspired by “The Diary of a Young Girl” by Anne Frank, in my high school. I did not understand what she wrote about the governments and the politics, but I did remember, she describing love, and fear of staying under hiding, how she conveyed it all in her little diary. I started doing the same. Hiding the notebook away from my parents and writing secretly.

Till one day I started this blog under a pet name. It had the same feeling of writing letter to faraway pen-friend, though I didn’t had one. It was therapeutic.

Linking to 100 words on Saturday by Write Tribe.

Write Tribe


  1. I too have the habit of writing in the diary everyday. Though, blogging for me came a little late. Just a little over a year back, I started my blog. And as you say, yes.. it is nothing less than therapy 🙂

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