Writing Tips

As the bubbles start to froth,
Don’t pen the words.
Wait for them to reach the brim,
To pour them out.

Fiction seems to be easy,
But tastes better,
With a sprinkle of reality,
Unless you want them cheesy.

Some days are cloudy,
Some days it rains.
As the winds blow away,
We remain silent,
To the turmoil inside.
Words pour heavily some day,
Just like the intermittent rain.

Long before, I had written on how to overcome writer’s block. Once the ball gets rolling, I feel its essential to tickle the creative senses on a regular basis, either by joining writing blogathons, or writing group like Write Tribe.

I don’t say my writing is the best, but that’s another evil to handle. Self-doubt. How many times have you wrote something and deleted that sentence? And maybe the whole article. I have done it myself umpteen times. Self-doubt is like the Big Brother watching you invisibly in your mind. Take the courage quite often to throw him out. He is useful when he is very malleable, especially when you do the polishing or editing, but call him only after you did the free write, which is the easiest solution these days to come out of the writing blocks.

And if nothing works out, read. Read online blogs, articles or pick any book from your shelf and read. This will help you to sow the seeds of writing in you…

And soon, the baby words will grow up again.

For Wednesday writing prompt at Write Tribe.

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  1. I look for inspiration everywhere. Pictures, books, blogs, a conversation, an older post of mine, writing prompts. Right now, I’m struggling with finding time to write 😉 Good advice for those starting out.
    Shailaja V recently posted…Tempting FateMy Profile

  2. Great tips for writing here, I read everything I can get my hands on, keeps me happy and I get tons of ideas to write.

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