The stay at home thing

The cliched happily ever after. Less fights and more smiles.

All these are part of the screenplay when we watch the movie of dreams every night. And the dreams are formed when we have some goals in life. You say you don’t have any goals? Yes, you do. You are just unaware of it.

Some people just hang onto the happily ever after and think that working hard and earning money, and living prosperously is the only goal to every human being. Though its not. Everyday, there would be an underlying goal towards which we work every minute. It could be either making lunch or dinner, or completing that piece of code assigned for the day, removing that defect in the software, doing some household chores, being more healthy, or raising your kids, or working towards better personal relations. Relaxation and lazing around are just the means of reviving ourselves before we are back in the race. The race within yourself to achieve the goals in your destination.

Few years ago, when I resigned from job, people offered me lot of suggestions, not to leave the job, not to waste the education provided by the parents and all that. But these days, I could see more and more people who resign their jobs just to look after their child. SAHM and WAHM terms have been more popular, though it has not achieved much respect in society. I too did just the same, but my child was the marriage. It needed nurturing too like any other relationship.

Of all the side effects, the first is the losing of identity. Earlier, there was an image of a home maker in the society, who does all the household chores, and looks after the children. They were known popularly as someone’s wives. And the women were happy playing that role. But with more education, we never feel like restricting ourselves to just the basic necessities.We needed more respect just like how they consider doctors, businessmen, and software engineers. We need our me-time and pastime, hanging out with friends, or going to the parlour and we do expect others to make the necessary adjustments, just like they would have done if we went to work.

As more men has now turned to be stay at home dad, they can empathize and are blogging more and more about it and have gone viral. I wonder when will such posts from Indians will appear in the blogosphere.


  1. It is difficult really… when I was WAHM (working full time) – I was always so busy, but I kind of liked that as well. But being a full time SAHM, doesn’t make me absolutely thrilled. It would be nice to have breaks, have friends.. have friends to talk to other than your Hubs and parents … seriously… and to have a change of place once in a while – but then you are expected to be adjusting now that you are staying at home… and really what do you do whole day, really? (My mom keeps asking me that all the time ) and my answer is I procrastinate… day-dream and just waste valuable time, because I really don’t value it that much right now πŸ˜€
    It would absolutely amazing to go back to work part-time, but then who gives work to a person like me on break, who has forgotten all her skill-sets andis in no mood to get them back :-/ Now is the right time for meto think really what I would like to do… and I keep thinking, I would love to teach – because long back I used to do it and was good at it πŸ™‚ but then I am still not sure if anything will be possible for the next one year. Sorry, for the blabbering :-/

  2. Hey Archana, delighted to find your blog and the piece of writing. It is rightly said that a home maker in no way should lack respect and dignity than any other working population. I would consider this job to be more responsible and level headed, as the parent who is responsible for the way the child grows up and the person who governs all that is at home including the finance. It is not an easy one…and all those home makers really deserve a lot of appreciation as they are mostly unheard….

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