Resolutions for 2014

The new year is here. Everyone is penning down their new year resolutions, looking back retrospectively, digging up events happened in last year to write down as a blog post. But it needs immense courage to list them all in public. Few notable achievements for me this year was the new laptop and N joining playgroup, as written before. We did a second revision to our home, with the help of an interior designer. Though the little artifacts and furnishings are yet to be bought and placed to make the setting beautiful. This year brought back my photography passion, and I started being more active in Flickr in the second half of the year.
The top few things running to my mind, when I think of the pending tasks for the year:
  • The first is of course to be regular on the blogging front. From the time I have joined WBNI and then WriteTribeBlogherIndibloggerBlogadda and started reading on many blogs, I noticed people are blogging off creatively at the writing prompts given in those websites, which is something I have not ever done before. I also want to rekindle the short stories and poems which I used to write years before. Those are the only posts I loved reading again, or which I consider good posts from this blog.
  • Second is to be more patient in dealing with N and RK. I realize that the anger and the yelling stems from the dissatisfaction of not doing any creative or productive work or not allotting time for personal development.
  • Third is to improve on my knowledge skills by listening to the courses provided by Coursera, Udacity or in general through Youtube. Are you like me, confused with psychiatrist and psychologist? If not, then you will surely get confused with the innumerable smaller branches in psychology.
  • Fourth is to improve on photography skills and take more good photos enough to get noticed and appreciated.
  • Though it should not be the last, I really need to start some exercises to be myself more healthy. I do not  like size zero, but I do want to be the 30 year old  that I am, instead of the 60 year old  my body reminds me at times. I had attended an artistic yoga trial class few months ago, which made me realize that my body is so stiff that I really need to act quick to gain some flexibility.
  • There are pending house chores, like fixing many photo frame walls, disposing clutter, starting on quilling or recycling jobs,  and also to give more importance to creating a beautiful garden.
There it is, the top goals for the months to come.  This post is a start to my first goal, to blog regularly, even if they are short posts. I should be thankful to NaBloPoMo at Blogher for the  January 2014 writing prompts.

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    1. wow, you gave my goals a name! but I am more inspired by your word, Fearless, like the Gems ad. Raho Fearless! After all, its the fear that pulls us from behind instead of motivating and moving ahead.

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