Past, Present and Future [Tag]

Whenever I see tags in blogs, I think why am I not tagged often. Now, on second thoughts, I wonder whether its for good or worse. The following tag bestowed upon me by Sreeram, has set me thinking of my past, present and future. As I am writing down the answers, I realize how candid it is to accept a tag and dangerous to refresh the golden memoirs…

The tag:
Two questions in each category answer them and then tag your friends from the blog-o-sphere. (Simple enough right?)
Leave a comment on their blog letting them know they have been tagged and you are all set.

Your oldest memories

My oldest memories date back to the scene where I lie in the Kindergarten hall, in the afternoon, my partially open, watching the teacher asking all the kids to sleep.
The image of mom and her colleague aunty dressing me for 1st std..
Being bedridden for chickenpox, when I should have played along with others, the Margamkali dance..
The small verbal fights and glares with other girls in the school…
The lunch-break time hazzle and rush…
The taxi driver who drove me to and fro school along with others.. (And to see that he still drives taxi on tourist permit!)
The next door friend and the aunty who called her Gayu as short name, and how I put that name as our house name, and how mom acknowledged it with Gayatri Mantra!…
The chickens owned by the neighbours straying and pecking at my feet…
Throwing my fallen tooth over the roof…
The risky lone return walk from the school for the first time, scaring my parents…
Making new everlasting friends in 5th…
Learning to ride bicycle….
Shifting of homes and neighbourhood…
Going to singing classes along with the next-door sister…
The frock-like dresses I enjoyed…
Daily evening snacks from elder sister on reaching home, watching Swabhimaan and even Shanti on holidays…
The cricket playing with the elder neighbour brothers living in the hut……
The bus travels from 8th to and fro school… new world of sight seeing…
The story telling of DDLJ, Barsaat, and Rangeela in free hours…
Sister’s groom visit and engagement and marriage within few months…
The separation of the school buddies and the final school church visit after the tenth… and many more….
The waves of memories splashed across and are drifting away slowly back to the sea…

What were you doing ten years ago?

November, 1998? I was in my 10th std, sitting in the second last row of chairs, along with my friend, waiting for the time to hit 3.30pm(or was it upto 4pm?), thinking of the rush in the public bus back to home…

Your first thought in the morning
I got this tag on Monday, and that morning I thought, ” another monday, another fresh week” etc etc and now, being a Wednesday today, what was I thinking?
I guess trying to recollect some vague dream I had in the morning…

If you build a time capsule what would it contain?
Time capsule for present??
I guess it would be the pc, blogs, chain mails from previous roommates and friends, books when no power, calls from amma, breakfasts and dinner preparations, the weekend dinner-outs with RK, Idea star singer and Indian Idol shows, and lots of sleep.

This year…

I guess I would be either working full time juggling family life and office life, like any other working woman, or maybe would be at home, but more busy than now for sure, indulging myself in some or the other activities, including blogging!

What do you see yourself doing 14 years from now?

Honestly speaking, no idea. But as like any other woman, I could foresee a family with a loving husband and with one/two kids enjoying our time in our own home!!
And about blogging, I wish I could almost write a book or become a problogger by that time…

I tag:

Arch-fully (Another Archana!! 😀 )

Goobimama (Goobi, do you answer tags, I wonder!!!)

Penning Thoughts
(first of its kind i guess, to tag your senior!!! 😉 )

(this time, I have tagged quite a new set of people too… anyone dares to do the tag?? 🙂 )


The Big K


End of the tag.

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  1. Jadda onnum alla… you have clearly stated in the beginning on how to go forward with the tag… So, I was waiting for you to execute your part… Pinne parayaruthello, samayam thanilla, samayam kitti illa ennonnum… Btw, you haven’t fulfilled the requirement completely… enkillum jaadayode njan complete cheythekkam… 😀

  2. @sree: thanks to you for reviving the sweet memories…

    @kidakaka: anytime!!! 😀

    @silverine: i guess that was the quickest response for the tag!!!! 🙂

    @Vimal ji: oh sheri sheri sammathachu… i did commented and hence i have fulfilled the req…
    PS: you would become a great manager.. enthu cheythaalum tripti aavoola!!! 😛

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