Of Telangana, Chetan, Piracy and Twitter!

Last year, the same month, I had proudly presented an article on how to remove writer’s block. And now, I needed it the most! Oh! Don’t worry, this is not going to be another sadistic post. 🙂

I wonder whether its the twitter activity that has hindered me from writing the posts. Every time I think of something, I realize I could summarize it in 140 words or even less. As per many blogs providing blogging tips, this finding has been true. And of course, I am writing this post now, after few days of being inactive on twitter!! But still, I have found so many people still writing even though they are active on twitter.

The recent issue of Telangana state formation was a good topic to blog about. It reminds me now of the Pink Chaddi Campaign. Silly campaigns for unfruitful purposes. This is actually one of the reasons why I hate politics. Nowadays its not at all about welfare of people. Its more of power. Maybe it has been the same from long time, even at the time of Independence.  Why else then, apart from looking into the common issues and basic needs of people and developing the basic amenities of the cities, are we bend to divide the states? Again?

Thanks to the BBMP elections coming up sometime in the next year, the nearby roads of my house have been tarred. I wish the elections would happen bit more frequently than it is currently, for more such developments to happen in the city. Recently, we had been to the CMH road and Ulsoor lake side. The metro work and its snail progress moves  me to tears. The roads,  which were the prime parts of the area just one and a half year ago, are in such pathetic conditions due to the works.

An interesting thing I missed watching live, was the #chetanblocks tweet. Not that I follow the latest trends and happenings of the twitter so closely, but still. The whole matter was just for fun I agree, apart from the angry tweet from the author, Chetan Bhagat. I would rather dismiss the whole blow-up saying, it just reveals the author’s human side. After all, who does not get irritated at times?

The privacy arguments from the author side looked convincing. Chetan Bhagat’s books were already priced at below Rs. 100. Then why should actually book lovers buy pirated versions of his book? If ever I were to write something and my book was being sold to people without any profit for me, its actually quite discouraging for me as an author. It kind of sounded on the lines of  “Jaago Re Campaign“. Such parties exists because we feed them. I admit that I too have got pirated book copies as PDF, but I couldn’t actually read them, as I do not like to read whole books online.

But if you ask whether this can be applied to movies too, I would differ. First of all, it need not be such big budgeted movies to create a good film. I do not have any experience in film-making, but a good script is all it needs. But if you could watch the same reel at a low-price in our good old native theaters at our towns, why not the same in cities too. We never asked to mix in both malls and cinema theaters into one. We never asked to build the theaters on a main road and on the top floor. Anyways, as far as the prices remain at three-digit numbers for weekends, I would never opt for watching movies in a theater.  If  I am okay with internet surfing on my small inch mobile, I could very well adjust with the 17” monitor of my computer screen. Home-made popcorn would cost just Rs.10 and can be cooked within 3 mins!!! (Remember the ads??)

Talking of twitter, I am reminded of my friends. Many of my real friends have never even created an account in twitter. Even if they have created accounts in social networking sites, they are not that active in them. Some times, this triggers in me, the various behavioural differences of human beings. Long back I did talk about the dual mode, but this is another matter. Here, people still do not believe in the virtual mode. Though its just an easy way of mingling with people and finding new info, they are still reluctant!

On a personal note, I am off to vacation for two weeks. Whenever I think of the word ‘vacation’, I feel I am doing wrong, by not completing the pending travelogues. Good thing along with the vacation is, atleast I would not blame myself that my blog has been inactive for two weeks!! 😀

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  1. Back from vacation I believe, where are the travelogues? 😛

    Waise, ya…you are right about the ticket prices in the malls…I would put in my money only if they are worth it…like Avatar was best at its 3D version so had to watch it in a theatre…but hyped movies like 3-Idiots (Ending was bakwaas…kid kicking at every utter of “All is well” was bull-crap) should be watched with home-made popcorn!! 😀

    About reluctancy in social networking sites, am a bit two minded…I never log on to those, unless someone has left a scrap/note…just to reply back…or to the max, may be to post pics!! 🙂

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