Another potpourri is overflowing from my mind today. Its been a long break. I had been to Colombo, Pattaya and Thailand.
I had promised the readers this and that, but I am late now. I thought of publishing the thoughts whenever it surmounted, but twitter came to the rescue. Is it a rescue? I do wonder. Rather it absorbed most of my ideas by pulling in tweets from me, whenever I wanted to post. And that too from the time of Olympics.
Abhinav Bindra bagged gold medal. We bagged bronze and silver too. They were on TV, news channels, interviews, advertisements and even on Twitter!.
There were US presidential elections. Everyone was screaming about Barack Obama. The talks of how it marked the end of racism once again. The technology tried to boost itself, by implying that the Senator used social networking sites to run election campaigns. Obama too was on twitter asking to vote.
The terrorist attacks. Bangalore, Ahmedabad, Mumbai, Delhi and all kind of series blasts happened few weeks ago… People were frantic and pinged each other on sms, phone calls, and even on twitter! There were posts, and I too tried to put it down, but by the time the content reaches a half a page, I realize, its pure crap and my feelings and not words.
Then the Mumbai attack. I loved twitter here. There were news in various news channels, but I were able to find all in one source : twitter. The users had turned out to be news reporters, micro blogging the news they see on various channels and re-tweeting and spreading the word. Then there were the #hashtags which allowed to search specific topics prefixed by the # tag. I am not sure how many would have searched for #mumbai, but the mere usage of #mumbai word would have brought you several followers in twitter during the Thanksgiving hours, when terrorism slashed across Mumbai. I too was frantically being on twitter, through jibjib, tinytwitter etc etc being freaked out by twitteromania. I am still in the process of recovering, and I feel now I shouldn’t recover.
Apart from the various hot-topics, I had even planned on the reviving the webscape series, which slumps down after a small rise once in a while. But then I find, many people would have already blogged about any of my stumbled websites, before I aggregate them and present it as a post.
Lots of movies are in pending state. I couldn’t watch any of them as I was out of town. And to make things worse, as soon as I reached Bangalore, fever and cold gripped me. And that was last week. When the Mumbai 9/11 topped the news stories, I was bedridden. Though I am ok, I am still dealing with cold.
Then there’s the nuisance of ear wax. It happens to me once in a while at random times uninvited, blocking my hearing partially, and making me end up asking all, “Eh??” I was using ear – drops before I went for the trip, but I couldn’t take any of it during the trip. So now, as I am back, I have started them again. Let’s see (er..hear) what happens now…
I feel now, as if I have to start again.. from the beginning. Just like in your school days, when you go back to classes after few days of leave, you need to pick it all up on your own…
I guess, the 1st of December, is a good start. For today, I have re-loaded my avatar in Twitter, registered in Digg and revamped the Technorati, and have installed Kontera. The Google Docs and Notebook is awaiting for my thoughts…
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Hi Arc
Congrats yaar.. and sorry i know u dont like Rajesh 🙂
actually i thought of write scrap on orkut.. then nahi lika…
k.. anyway.. this blog is very interesting and looks very elegant… keep it up yaar.. great to see ur works….