Money has always been an integral part of our life. And when you are able to make money online, will you resist doing it? If not forever, it does seem tempting enough to try out at least once. For example, have you tried mGinger yet?
Blogging maybe the latest popular trend, that entered the world of advertising. Increase traffic, link exchange, keyword enhancer, content-rich, make money online etc have become the new jargon. Earlier, I guess ads were more popular for selling products, services and referrers.Along with the popular Google Adsense, there are other networks like AdBrite, Bidvertiser, Chitika Premium Ads, Performancing Ads, ReviewMe, PayPerPost etc. For more money making ways from internet click here, there and here.
If you find these all confusing, then there are innumerous sites and blogs out there providing you tips and tricks to make money online. and Johnchow dot com are just two examples. The site even offers huge traffic to your blog if you spread about or post a review of it with some keywords like “make money online”. Googling for the same term gives millions of web pages to your rescue. Recently there was the HP contest give away which gave the winners a huge amount of goodies. In most of these contest, the rules to enter the contest is to popularize the news. If its a twitter contest, you are supposed to follow that person, and tweet his words.
Do you think some websites show similarity to the real marketing trends? Is money making online so easy? Or is it like the “Fashion” movie tagline : To reach the top of the industry fast, you may need to lose more than your ideals. Should we stoop down for asking links and traffic, say good words or review, or fill your site with too much ads destroying your reputation etc?
There are huge markets in real, in which people have gained money. Though people say its a fraud and cheating of people, there are still lots n lots who have made money indirectly or directly. They too are doing what most of us do online. Sell their products and advertise their products and services in any way they could. So what’s wrong in it? I guess everything is relative. Nothing can be termed as negative or wrong. Don’t you think so? The people who are smart get the most money. The survival of the fittest rule is applicable in here too.
So why not? Huh?
Over the last few months, I had tried experimented with Google Adsense in this blog. Being at home full time is like the devil’s workshop. You do all kinda things and experiments. I tried even using Bidvertiser and Kontera Ads, both for very few time, which left so many blue underlinings in the blog. But all have left me depressed. Not only the blog looked very bad, but there was no increase in the earnings too. Maybe it would be successful for a special category, or maybe I need to work hard more for more “content-rich” and “keyword-rich” posts! Sometimes I don’t feel like doing that just for the sake of few cents. I have just 4 ad slot now in the whole blog. My these thoughts keep oscillating to here and there. But in the end, I emerge out the conclusion that its my blog which I never wrote for money.
Change is what Obama preaches. Change is what we need. So why shouldn’t I use ads in this blog for few cents? So I did put up this advertise page, but I ended up wondering myself whether I would be buying ads for this blog. Nevertheless, I have still kept it on. Are you interested?
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As you said, it is more than losing ideals, these kinds of link buildings are not healthy, most of the times we are not cognizant of what the Site actually has and the process does belong to Black Hat SEO, Doing it with our blog is not advisable, coz it de-ranks our PR. We shouldnt insert Junk into the Web that is Search prone.Lets build a duplicate free/Spam free Web
The earlier look of your website was better.
@Bala: Junk do exist everywhere, in real and in web. I don’t think we can avoid it fully… 🙂
@Sanket: i do love colors, but just trying out various themes.. and many people have already liked this theme! 🙂
The style of writing is quite familiar to me. Have you written guest posts for other blogs?
have written only once, but not on this topic..
You made some good points there. I did a search on the topic and found most people will agree with your blog.
Please keep us up to date with new information as this is a very great blog!
Your site template is gr8 ! Minimalistic is my fav word and i love it ! One bit of advice , keep updating the content more often since you have a neat site on hand !
As far as MMO still adsense rules the roost along with some other affiliate programmes. Am trying juggling various options and I feel yes kontera is an eyesore , unless you have an enormous page impressions , when i mean enormous , i mean real “enormous” lol .. Keep blogging ! You cud also try having an adsense unit in the bottom of the post. 🙂
Thanks Lakshmi.. Regarding updating blog, my mind is not churning these days.. Has become lazy I suppose! 😐