Author: Archana K B
Mobile goodies
Last week enabled the gprs service (airtel mobile office) and also the mms and airtel live. From then, i have been installing themes, wallpapers, games and soft...
The teacher
sometimes, i feel life has been teaching me iin different ways different things. its going to be almost one year tat i have joined the CTS and working as softwa...
The horizon
Few days before read a blog on the net on the eve teasing. That was literally, an outburst by a girl, of the pain she is experiencing because she was a girl. Mo...
Book Review – Chetan Bhagat’s novels
Five point someone and One night@the callcenter are the famous novels of the upcoming author Chetan Bhagat. Personally i believe, Five point Someone is better t...
What, why, who, where and how
Today, one of my friends made me think why are we living? Do anyone has really thought of it.. There are actually many things in life for which we donno the ans...