The Roadblocks of Blogging ride

I have already blogged about writer’s block before, here and there. But the Write Tribe community has asked to do it again, and here I am. The prompt actually made me introspective, asking myself my fresh and current take on the subject. I realize that main reasons for not blogging is indeed the overwhelming activity of other bloggers who blog daily and churn posts within hours on a given prompt. Especially after the A to Z challenge where I found alarming number of Indian bloggers creating awesome posts, where as I was struggling to catch up daily. So was jealousy the reason? More prominently, it was the self-doubt. I did hinted at it in the previous post.

After finding the reasons, I move to find out what all I do to bounce back.

  • Write on what occupies your mind

Some call it free write, but what I imply is to post about something which you are busy with. Are you reading a book? Blog about it. Were you busy with your kid, husband or other office problems? Rant about it.Taking some photos? Do a photo post. Searching in Google and getting lost in Facebook? Post about it.

  • Get new books to read

Got some 2-3 easy read books to start with and see where the path leads on. Currently reading the latest book by Preeti Shenoy.

  • Watch new movies:

I watched two movies the past week, 2 states and Highway. Both were pending on my list. These days, I am fan of the latest crop of actors. They do fairly well. The scripts are good and ways of story telling is also different.

  • Have conversations to get ideas

Some say opportunities do not come to people who sit idle. Inspired by Jaya Narayan whom I met few months ago, I started asking on Facebook forums for some leads on whatever I was stuck in. Be it photography, or something else. You may get some answers or sometimes none. Either way, its worth a try. Facebook should be useful once in a while, na?

  • Take new easy projects

I started off July photo challenge in Instagram to see whether I like photography challenge better or the writing one. I had done the latter before, and wanted to see whether I enjoyed doing photo challenge equally. The medium of phone photography was a relatively easy way to start with. I can always summarize them into blog posts later. If you are twitter freak, you can compile the important tweets you made or the links you shared into a blog post.

Leaving you with a Hangout video conducted by SHEROES on writing career. You may not be looking at writing as a career, but there are plenty of advices on writing principles.

Note: The video is good only after the initial hiccups which goes on for first 12-13 minutes, so be prepared for it.

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  1. you are doing july foto challenge .. where .. how do i look at those pics .. I am struggling doing that even .. cant find pictures that match the themes always ..

    and those are some good tips will make sure to remember them 🙂

    Bikram recently posted…SharpMy Profile

  2. I watch a lot of movies, and I have often thought of writing more about my reflections on some of them. Have done a few in the past, but should do more of such posts. That’s a good tip, Archana! And good luck with your photography challenge!
    Beloo Mehra recently posted…Blank Pages, No MoreMy Profile

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