The balloon seller

The balloon seller kept rattling the toy to make sounds. It was one of the busiest weekends, and the beach was crowded. The young beggars kept lurking around asking him for a balloon. But he shooed them away. It was his opportunity to earn money, reaping the benefits of others relaxing on beach.
As the night progressed it was time to wind up. Most of the cart sellers were winding up too. He counted the day’s profit.
While walking home, he walked to the young ones and gave them few coins. He knew some things could be shared, after all.

Written for Write Tribe prompt – “the greatest love of all”

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  1. Hi Archana,
    A brilliant take on the prompt. Appreciate the imagery you’ve woven, and this is a piece where you’ve blended the prompt without actually using the words 🙂 Well done. Do write more 🙂
    Sreeja Praveen recently posted…Tiny Love…..My Profile

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