Pulling yourself up

This blogathon or daily blogging is getting hard on me. Initially I had planned of scheduling posts and did for few days. More than the weekends, I find it hard to come up with posts when I get totally involved with N. The frustrations then pull me down, and I try to get hold of some positive blogs or entertainment as diversion tactic to pull myself.

I am intrigued by the personal experience of positive result by the use of Reiki for anger management. I did attend a trial yoga class before, and though it made me realize how stiff my muscles are, it did not persuade me to change my perception that it is overrated. For me, its just another form of exercise and like other exercises, gym, aerobics, dance, yoga too has many advantages and thats  it. I have never been a fan of Baba Ramdev, and to think of it, I think that’s when I started disliking yoga. It was getting so popular, and like students being forced to do engineering, I was also made to tempt with an inflated yoga balloon. So this time, I am thinking of giving Reiki a try, but still not decided on when.

A bit of goal searching, led me to register on various sites, of which LiveYourLegend tops the list. It made me realize there are several other people in world, like me, searching for life goals, passion, mentors, guides to help them out. The Fleximoms was the first website I stumbled across, where I heard about career counseling. The concept of life coach and career coach was entirely new to me. The flow of questions thrown at me for answering and the resulting brainstorming session with myself, somehow gives me hope to move on.

I had started this post on 9.30pm, thinking I would do some meme to write for today’s post. But rather than revealing myself, it came naturally, that its better to share the few links I had, to others who may be in the same boat. So go on, find yourself, change yourself and pull yourself.

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  1. I have not really heard about Reiki, but I also do not get to blogging if I am having a hard time with Aarya. right now we both are fightinga stomach flue and cold and cough and truck loads of vomit, yuck!
    I was in this phase for quite a while, but then I am taking a break from thinking about goals and such deep stuff and living in the present and accepting that this right here is where I am destined to be… It is by design 🙂 ( for the time being, lol!)

    1. oops.. wishes on your way to get well soon…
      yeah.. time has given you a “gift” inside you to think more about… 😉 enjoy the first few years, and then you will be back again. but you are doing a good job already by doing all the crafts.. really having good time with Aarya..

      1. Yeah that’s why I said *for the time being* lol! It is always not doing great stuff with Aarya, some days are just better than others 🙂

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