Microblog Mondays – 100happydays challenge

Day 3/365 - Ride in the Shopping Cart.. (Explored)

Yesterday, on Sunday, September 21st, I forgot to take a snapshot for the 100 happy days challenge I am doing on instagram and tumblr. Was it because I was not happy the entire day? No. It was because I forgot to think how to frame the moments and feelings which made me happy yesterday. We went together for grocery shopping, and though its a mundane task, but when carried out with family its quite enjoyable. There is a peculiar joy in getting lost among various options at the counters of big supermarkets. You can enjoy the AC, the music, the lights, the offers, the thrill of finding the least priced object One of the happy moments of the day indeed.

Grocery Store Design | Interior Decor Design | Aisle Signage | Market Decor Upgrade

But since I missed posting the photo on the exact day, I technically failed at the challenge.

Nevertheless, I am going to start again, not counting the days, but counting for happy moments in the daily life. I hereby say to myself, its okay to forget taking a picture, if at all I had lived in that moment. This challenge will be helpful to me to retrospect daily for the happy moments, if not at the moment, but at the end of the day or even the next day.

Linking into #MicroblogMondays at Stirrup Queens.

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    1. Went through your blog. Congrats on completing the challenges. Doing the same way as you did. Instead of scanned photo, I am relying on Google. Cheap trick, but it works 🙂

  1. The fact that you forgot to take/post a picture is a sign of just being happy and enjoying the moments instead of worrying about documenting them, right? So I say you didn’t fail, I say you win.

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