Mélange – Random Tidbits VIII

Hello guys.

Things are indeed happening in life even though the post frequency has reduced. There were lot of topics to blog about, but whenever I start writing, I do not get words beyond 2-3 sentences. I thought of collecting thoughts on each of the topics to form great posts, but it never happens. So here I am, again writing some tidbits, which most of the time goes unnoticed, and looks more of a personal rambling than a blog post. Nevertheless, I guess its better than having no updates on my blog.

I had plans of guest-blogging in some blogs, with movies and book reviews. I had finished some books and movies, but maybe it was the presence of mind that I had at that time, nothing moved me much. As if my mind has got stuck sponge, absorbing all the happenings around me, and the triggered thoughts from those books and movies. Nothing ever came out. I had half mind of writing movie reviews of Love Aaj Kal, Kaminey, and Kite Runner. I had also finished The Client by John Grisham, a Robert Parker, Dee Davis and the E.R.Braithwaite books and 2 States by Chetan Bhagat being the last.

Just two months short of renewing the blog domain, and I have not earned more than few pennies through Adsense than last year. I had so much thoughts at the time of buying a new domain, thinking that I would post regularly, and that clicks will increase, and I would be able to buy back from the blog itself. But no, plans always get disposed by God.

I could never complete the travelogue on the Bangkok trip which I started last year. By now, I have forgotten most of the details, enough to write short notes on it. And now, with another long vacation trip to the temples at the base of North Himalayas, I wonder whether I could write any memoirs of the fresh trip. I do not claim I would complete it, but its a long one of around 10 days, and hence, though I have started penning it down, I doubt whether I would ever finish it.

I used to be a regular in many forums, and other online social activities, but off late it has been reduced. Apart from twitter and playing Farmville, I seldom come online to interact with any one. Maybe its just another attack of mood swings, or its part of growing old. Maybe I would slither and fall back to the addiction once again in future, I never know…

A year later, the birthday thoughts still remains the same. No change in thoughts and neither in the situation I am in now.Though at times, I think of the many resolutions I had in mind, I get drifted away in my cocoon of thoughts and laziness, finding solace in the social networks and random tech news and blogs, thinking of renewing myself some day, very soon…

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  1. Great…Rants do help in times of writers block! 🙂
    Nice to see ya back…
    I’ve never understood the nuances of paisa making using adsense…I did have an account, but then cancelled it…too much of thought goes into it…i prefer to write for pleasure instead! 🙂
    hey belated budday!! 🙂

  2. Hi Archna – This happens to everybody – sooner or later. Everyone has to think of a topic – write a few sentences – chop and churn them – polsh them and make them readable/acceptable to public. You are a very intelligent writer and you do not have to depend upon the stupid movies that bollywood makes.This article is an honest admission of what goes on in the mind of every blogger. Once gain – you are a superb writer – let your thoughts flow smoothly through your pen and allow us to read them. God will bless you in all your endevours.

    Ravi Matah

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