This blog has become quite infrequent for some months. Inspired by Hari Shanker, I thought of taking up this risk of recording my own voice for the better or worst. Alas, this time its in Malayalam! I will try for hindi next time!
The song below, is the famous “Aaro Viral Meeti” (if at all, you did not realize) from the film “Pranayavarnangal” sung by the renowned K.S. Chitra.
Aaro Viral Meetti | Music Upload
I have analyzed myself already listening to this, and have found out so many flaws that, Sarath of the Malayalam show Idea Star Singer fame, would have completed 100+ blog posts if he converted his notepad comments! Sound clarity, pronunciation, and pitching and finally of all, “sangathis” (the iterations) needs to be improved!!! 😛
I hope some of the readers would still has the courage to remain subscribed to this blog! 😀
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beautiful voice…
thats the only good thing to comment :):)
My fav song 🙂
Good attempt. Not as bad as your description says it is 🙂
Its not bad yaar… after all you are not competing in ISS.
Its good… Keep going… Let me see if I can try one, it will be a big morale booster for you if I do…
Beautiful voice and song ! Nice !
gollam gollam.. nannayittundu…
Kollaaam, chechi!! 🙂 Seriously nice. 😀 Enikkishttappetu! 😀
All you’ve to do is to work on your diction. And listen to the song more properly, so as to copy all the ‘sangathis’ and sruthy’s perfectly. 😉
My latest track is closer to the original in that respect. 😀
Good one! Sangathikalokke tharakedillaathe vannitundu! 😀
🙂 that was nice.. The mood was there in it..
Next time,take care to take breaths,those in between pauses, away from mic.
Thanks all… with the karoake its harder than I thought 😛 next time will polish the recording before I post it 😉
im new here.. 🙂
im not an expert in music but i really like it 😉
lemme check out ur other posts too..
keep blogging
It has come good…if you practise a bit, it would come better. You got good voice