List of WordPress Plugins I use now.

Are you one of those who are lazy to upgrade to WordPress 2.7? You are missing a lot many features then.

After I upgraded my blog to WordPress 2.7, blogging has been much easier. If one of the useful features I use is the comment reply from within the admin panell, then the other is the installation of plugins. You can search and install within the admin panel, without any ftp client. I have now been frantically trying out various plugins, activating and de-activating them. Earlier the number of plugins I used were very few, say 6 to 7. But now, the number has gone upto 16. I wonder is there any limit to using the number of plugins. There maybe few plugins which may increase the load on the server or takes huge time to load the blog page, but I am not sure which one. Everytime, I try to beautify or add new feature to the blog, there is an associated plugin available online. But I think, rather than messing up the code, its better to play with plugins and widgets as it is very easy to maintain.

Do you want to know the plugins currently being used on this blog? Here they are :

Akismet – the famous spam killer, inbuilt into wordpress from version 2.6 I suppose.

All in One SEO Pack – This one was being recommended by many established bloggers, to improve SEO and titles. I realized this is how the site owners use a different title easily (in titlebar) other than the titles mentioned in the page/blog post.

Category Posts Widget – Off late, I had changed the sidebar of this blog to display the latest posts from various categories. This plugin which is also a widget does exactly the same.

FeedBurner FeedSmith – This one is also a recommended plugin. This diverts all the feeds of the blog to a feedburner url. You need not replace the blog’s atom feed anywhere if you activate this plugin.

Google Analytics for WordPress – This one is newly installed on this blog. It says, it would track the statistics for all pages of the blog. It also includes adsense tracking and is beneficial for those whose Analytics and Adsense accounts are linked together.

Google XML Sitemaps – Another famous recommended plugin. This generates a XML sitemap which you can feed to the Google webmaster tools and other search engines, so that they can crawl and crawl each and every page of your blog. Let them eat the fruit! 😛

Intouch – This is the contact form I have been using for a while. Though the responses are very few, I don’t think its because of the plugin. It works fine. What is not fine, is our laziness. I mean, aren’t we lazy enough to send a mail to the blogger through contact form?? Oh, yeah, it includes me too! 😐 If you are not, send me mail through this contact form.

MobilePress – There were times of sheer desperation, when I loved to check comments on this blog, after hours of posting a new post. In those times, I even checked the site through my mobile, and it looked horrible. So installed this plugin which detects automatically if the client is on mobile and presents a mobile version of the blog to the viewer. There maybe other ways to get a mobile version of the blog online. This is just one of them. Long long ago, I remember using WP-Wap plugin for the same. Click here for another method.

Sociable – This plugin displays the link to bookmark the post to various social bookmarking sites like Digg, StumbleUpon, Del.ic.ious etc. You can see the live demo below this post under “Spread the word”. And yeah, please spread the word! 🙂

SRG Clean Archives – I got this plugin from Ashwin, the Newspaper Blog. This lists out all your archives in a collapsing list format. To see the live demo, click here to see the archives of the blog. How many of those posts have you missed? 😉

Subscribe To Comments – This plugin is a famous one, and was installed on the request of a commenter. Though I don’t use this feature in many of the blogs, there are many other people who subscribe and follow up their comments on this site. Quite surprised and grateful at the same time! 🙂

WordPress Database Backup – The plugin name is self -explanatory and provides backup whenever you want it. The latest version provides an option to schedule the backup daily, weekly, monthly etc.

WP-cache – I don’t remember when I started using this plugin and why. It says, it acts like a cache and provides fast loading of pages to the viewer/reader.

WP-Cumulus – This is the flash tag cloud plugin, you can see in the extreme right corner of sidebar. The inbuilt representation of the tags was not suiting this theme, and hence I was searching for the tag cloud plugin, when I saw this at the Smoking Apples.

WP Movie Ratings – Another friendly gesture by Ashwin, the great movie buff, to share this with me. This lists the ratings of movies you have watched. You need to provide the IMDB link of the movie and also the date when you rated it or watched it. My movie ratings is a very very short list, as updating the list is a time consuming process.

Yet Another Related Posts Plugin – Recently, you might have noticed, that the related posts plugins have started showing the excerpts. This plugin gives the related posts by searching through both tags and categories.

Which plugins do you use in your blog? Do you know of any plugins which i should be using in this blog??  Please notify me! 😀

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  1. Pingback: List of Wordpress Plugins I use now. | Archana | No more smoking!
  2. Pingback: List of Wordpress Plugins I use now. | Archana
  3. Pingback: Wordpress UK » List of Wordpress Plugins I use now. | Archana
  4. You left to mention these in ur posts though u hav it !!! 😉

    # Relatedposts
    # adsense-deluxe_wp_plugin_v0.8
    # hello.php
    # images
    # maintenance-mode
    # markdown.php
    # p2pconverter
    # postratings
    # textile1.php
    # theme-switcher-reloaded
    # wap
    # wordpress-automatic-upgrade
    # wp-digg-this
    # wp125

  5. @Ha)ker: thanks for mentioning it, but I have posted only the currently activated plugins. (Except for WP125 which was installed after the publishing of this post).

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