Completed list of books and movies in 2013

For Day 3 of UBC and Nablopomo, I am listing out the books and movies I read and watched last year. When future is not clear, we rely on the past, ain’t it? I got the inspiration from the blog post chain “11 things every woman should write down before the year ends” by Corinne. Since we are already into January, I felt its not suitable to take forward the chain, but the answer to this question surprised me, that I could finish few books this year. I also liked the idea of keeping a checklist on the completed books and movies categorized monthly and yearly. I remember having a plugin installed on the blog long back, WP Movie Ratings, which showed a separate page for movies and its ratings.


Unread books in my shelf:

  • How to talk so kids will listen
  • What to expect – The toddler years
  • 1984
  • The Godfather
  • The white tiger
  • Life of Pi
  • Stay Hungry Stay Foolish

I am interested in finishing the book “Life of Pi” first, before I proceed to download and watch the film version. They say, films can never make justice to the books.  I have already felt it in the case of “Memoirs of Geisha“, which is one of the most unforgettable books that I have read and never got erased from my memory.


  • Kai Po Che (Hindi)
  • Yeh Jawaani Hey Deewani (Hindi)
  • Chennai Express (Hindi)
  • English vinglish (Hindi)
  •  Barfi (Hindi)
  •  The Lunchbox (Hindi)
  • Dhoom 3 (Hindi)
  • Neram (Malayalam)
  • Salt n Pepper (Malayalam)
  • Ustad Hotel (Malayalam)
  • Gravity 3D (English)

I feel so disappointed myself that I did not review English Vinglish and Barfi because I liked them a lot. In Malayalam, ‘Neram’ made me realize Malayalam cinema has improved much more from where I left watching it long ago.

Overall, the preparation of this list has inspired me to collect more books and reviews for the 2014 year.


  1. ok Great ( I am the 2nd person to comment here about Drishyam) , We went to see Drishyam yesterday ( Hi from a fellow Mallu!!) and it was awesome. I feel we started the year on a good note right there 🙂 I really want to see Lunchbox (though everyone says it is loosely based on ‘Salt and Pepper’ which I saw). Loved English Vinglish… but Barfi reminded me more of Charlie chaplin than anything – I liked it… but can’t say I loved it 🙂
    Memoirs of geisha is my all time favorite. Chanakya’s Chant was good, but the 2nd Preeti Shenoy book was kinda OK… I saw Life of Pi without reading the book, and I think it is beautifully made movie. If the movie is so so good, I can only imagine how good the book would be, BUT these days I have zero patience lol!

    I hope you see Drishyam and review it… I am not into reviewing much these days 🙁

    1. Oh two cheers for the film.. Why don’t you do a review for the drishyam.. More than chartbusters, I depend on reviews to pick and choose which films to watch.. 🙂

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