Though I am not a fan of Arjun Kapoor and Deepika Padukone, the inclusion of these commercial actors in the film, “Finding Fanny” along with the senior actors, set the expectations of the film very high. And that was the major disadvantage for such a fresh short film, trying to go commercial.
The reviews were not good, but still the theme sounded promising. A group of five people set on a journey to search for childhood love, Stephanie Fernandes, or for short, Fanny. As expected, the film was not about finding Fanny itself, but rather the journey of finding the love, and how the people find love and other experiences through the journey.
The roles for Savio and Angie depicted were not at all meant for Arjun Kapoor and Deepika Padukone. They did not blend at all in the film. The long love-making scene and the long lingering talking after that, was totally unwanted in the film. If they wanted to show the camaraderie among the friends turning to something else, it could have been portrayed much better.
That being said, the roles of those young people in the film who brings together the other old people together for the journey is apprehensible. They portrayed a young fresh romantic version of love, while older people and their experiences gave more depth and shade to the portrayal of love. The whole film was amalgamation of different shades of love and the associated emotions with a dash of comedy. The characterization of lustful Don Pedro, played by Pankaj Kapur and the quirky innocent Ferdie by Naseeruddin Shah, and the bossy Rosie played by Dimple Kapadia was commendable. The film touched upon philosophically on various feelings of love, like being cheated, or the endless lonely wait for loved ones, the result of greedy lust, importance of trust and friendship in couples, and making an effort to get love.
The film does have the old Goa charm to it, and hence can be watched like taking a mini Goa vacation. But maybe a one-time watch, unlike the real Goa which will leave you wanting for more.
Rating 2/5 !
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But But I loved the movie…it was delightful 🙁
That’s okay.. People do have different tastes. 🙂 I don’t regret watching the film.. It was not that bad.
Different people have diff perspective…. so I guess I will watch the movie. And I like seeing Deepika and Arjun on screen. 😉
Sheethal recently posted…Things To Tick Off Before The Last Breath …
P.S. I loved your blog. Simple but looks elegant! 🙂
Sheethal recently posted…Things To Tick Off Before The Last Breath …
Thank you! 🙂
oh yes, some people have felt this is a remarkable movie in Indian cinema, considering its quite offbeat!
There is lot much to actually “see” for Deeps and Arjun fans 😉 so go for it!